Friday, July 27, 2007

Waterfall in Malaysia : Sekayu Waterfall

Sekayu Waterfall

State Terengganu
LocationSouth of Kuala Berang
Coordinates and map N04° 57.85' E102° 56.71'
Water SourceSmall River
Waterfall ProfileVertical Falls & Cascades
AccessibilityFrom carpark & river trekking

From Kuala Terengganu, proceed inland to the town of Kuala Berang. Just before reaching the town center, watch out for a turning on the left! At this junction , there is a road that leads motorist to the Sekayu Waterfall. There are indicative signs before the junction. The distance along this country road is 14 kilometers long.

The road will continue to pass through small villages and countryside. Nearing the end of the road, signboard there will indicate that the park is situated after a right turn. The park is situated at the fringe of the mountain range.

Signboard of this design are placed in many locations to guide visitors to the Park.

This is a mature park with chalets and campsites for overnight stay. It also practices a security system, which kept the main gate locked after dark.

So check with the park authority if you intend to stay there and reporting after regular working hours, on the closing and opening time.

This is a well organised nature park

The Tersat river has a fair size and plenty of water

Chalets for an overnight stay are available

The first of the many waterfalls, with an inviting pool

The falls are interspersed by quiet stretches of water

This is a beautiful park and you can easily spend many hours enjoying nature.

Beautiful flowers abound


david said...

wow.. interesting. i like waterfall ( )

Reave said...

nice blog u have there. kudos.